Wednesday, January 25, 2023

5 year old with multiple screen

I baby sit a family friend’s child sometime. The boy is 5 years old. I was surprised to see that he was playing Roblox and watching a streaming about a game at the same time.

As a child we also were so into games but now, it’s a whole new level of playing. Life has been so filled with technology and digital content.

My parents were afraid of us been ruined by games. I won’t say, we are totally free of digital life but me and my friends have been fine. Let’s see how kids raised in this way turn out. Till now, I think they are smarter than us as 5 year old.


  1. The world is becoming more and more digital indeed!

    Multi-tasking by playing a game and watching a streaming about a game at the same time?

    I'm watching/listening to a YouTube video while commenting your blog post while reviewing students' scores in LabSim :-)

    I wonder how kids raised the way you described will turn out ^_^

    1. Wow! that is a whole new level of multi-tasking.
      About the kids, they seem to be smart with the technology, but I wonder whether they will have the necessary amount of E.Q. to sustain the world with peace and harmony.
      Hope you enjoyed your music. See you again!

  2. I've seen it first hand with my nephew playing Roblox and have his YouTube of someone playing another type of video game. I must admit the only technology I had when I was growing up was the television and my walkman. :-P

  3. My son wants to be a Youtuber. It is hard not to allow him to have some sort of digital life. I have conflicting feelings. I did not grow up in a digital age. My parents sent me outside to play and dared me to come in the home to watch TV. There are so many times I wish my child could grow up like I did and I was the type of parent my parents were to me.

  4. Kids are growing up with technology everywhere. The little boy sounds very bright, little kid's brains are always learning which is a reason why they're so good at managing devices but multitasking I'm impressed.

  5. I literally cannot work without having something on in the background! I currently use three monitors in my home PC setup!

  6. I am the exact same way! I don't know if it has to do with growing up while technology was booming (Gen Z), or if it's undiagnosed ADHD, but I cannot complete a task without listening to music and watching an episode of my favorite TV show at THE SAME TIME. For some odd reason, it allows me to be more productive and stay more focused, and it's comforting to hear I am not alone :)

  7. Cool! A 5 years old kid tried to do modeling and succeeded. I think he will be a amazing tech guy in the future.

  8. Today's day and age is definitely much more advanced and technological compared to the 90's or early 2000's. I also believe the future beholds a much more sophisticated era with easier access to the internet, devices and an acceptable social norm for children to grow up with hands on experience with technology, although it was still surprising to read about the 5 year old multi tasking between playing video games and streaming videos.

  9. A lot of Gen Alpha kids are being raised on phones and Chromebooks. They never use real computers. They graduate high school without ever using Windows. A lot of them lack very basic tech skills despite being surrounded by technology. I think part of it is the fault of the education system but also their parents should probably be showing them how to actually use the technology they are using. Some don't follow this trend and instead know how to use a computer but many that I've seen don't really know the UI of most websites they use.

  10. I personally think video games aren't a bad thing, especially in online settings. In 6th grade I had a computer class and was learning how to type. Due to me playing multiplayer Minecraft, I got up to 80 words per minute by the end of the semester. I also learned how to look for viruses and to be careful downloading things on the internet, such as mods. I owe a lot of my technological intelligence to playing video games as a young kid.

  11. I'm not in any way shape or form disagreeing with this; however, some time ago I saw a video about how it's actually impossible to multi-task. In the video they explained that although multiple things might be occurring, our brains are only capable to focus on one thing at a time, switch really quick, and switch back. Is it actually possible to multi-task? I think it is. Is the video I saw credible? I think so too. I think it just depends on what is going on, and what senses are being activated. If a visual and an auditory experience are going on but they're separate experiences like, washing dishes and listening to music, then of course we can multitask, but the challenge comes when two different experiences begin to play "tug-of-war" with the same sense.

  12. As a Mother I definitely limit the screen time with my little one. But when she does get the phone/tablet i am amazed at the things she knows how to do only being 2 but the absorb everything and its really cool to watch. I was always the tech person in the family and i know my daughter will be teaching me things in the future.
