Monday, January 30, 2023

U.X. Designing

So what is U.X. Designing? In my own words, it is the process when the designer is trying to define, predict and design the best possible experience whether it is about navigating an app, software or a retail store.

Here, according to the top main credible sources, U.X. design is a process to produce an experience for user in the beginning, during and after the usage of the product or service. 

According to a primary source, U.X. Designing is driven by research, data and tests. Best experience is tried to be offered with a product or service. The experience has to be practical and enjoyable for the majority or all. 

The sources also say, it can involve the whole process of designing, branding, usability, functionality and etc.

The differences between the sources was that two major sources was mostly focusing about U.X. Designing in the software or website development. The other source was explaining how U.X. Designing can be used in real time shopping experience or a way people can be attracted to a physical product or service.


  1. Good job on explaining User Experience Designing :-)

    But you missed the point of TD03, which is to compare the three sources you used for 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources!

    1. Glad to see you updated the post a comparison of the three sources in your final paragraph as required by 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources.

  2. You must need designing and development background for this kind of career. I have seen Tik Tok videos informing us of what UX designing makes. They all made it sound so easy to do. To me, it is a lot of researching and psychology involve.

  3. Wow, I didn't even know that there is a field like this. The video gave me a glimpse of the lengths companies will go to sell and or attract consumers.

  4. Technology is ever changing and when it comes to it I try my best to keep up with technology. U.X. Designing sounds like work, people are not usually easy to please and to think some actually put in the work to ensure we have the best overall experience is amazing.

  5. Hello Chandani, it seems as if U.X Designing and Web Design have similarities. I have been interested in gaining some experience with the functionality of Web Design so learning more about U.X Designing certainly sparks some interest. I can see how U.X Designing can be such an essential feature for internet users as it accommodates them to get the best experience out of surfing the web, this could also deem to be powerful for business owners by enabling online shoppers to make purchases on the internet very easily and securely.

  6. Web design standards becoming more and more focused and agreed upon. UX efficiency comes before aesthetic preference because one can be proven to drive more revenue than the other. I hope there's more an appeal to aesthetics in the future when it comes to UX design.

  7. I always knew this field of work existed, but I never knew the name of it. Without this field, software on our phones would not work the way they do.

  8. Seems a good U.X. Design is a crucial part of a software, as having a good user experience makes users more likely to choose the app.

  9. The downfall of a strong program or application is poor U.X. design! Having a user friendly front end is very important as you put it!

  10. Hi, Chandani! This is actually my first time hearing about U.X. design. The video was extremely informative as it's opened my eyes of how U.X. Design creates positive user experiences that meets the needs of users.

  11. Hi Chandani, I can imagine that there's probably a lot of surveys that need to be performed from different kinds of people in order to maximize this experience before it becomes launched into the public. Thank you for sharing!
