Saturday, February 25, 2023

Fonts Fonts Fonts

Fonts play a huge part in making the document a certain way. The file can look like a scientific paper, a romantic letter, or a child's play just by its fonts. One has to be careful of what fonts and font styles one use. 

The safest font style and size for me that goes with almost all documents are making the document in Times New Roman or Arial and setting the size to 12. They mostly never give criticism or raise an eyebrow. 

One of the ways to make a statement effective and visible is to make it bold, underlined, or in italics. I emphasize and bold those ideas or words if I want the reader to focus more on them, and it works great for everyone. Highlighting words and text is also another way to emphasize the importance. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Most used and least used print option

This blog is about me using these print options. I am not saying it about others. 

I notice myself using the print copies number a lot. I am mostly printing 100 of copies of my file for work sometime. I also use the paper size option because we always need to be sure that the paper size is appropriate to your need. There are many paper size options from A4, legal, B5, executive and others. The most common type of printing size file is the A4 which is of size 8 x 10 inches. 

The least used print option for me is the paper collation. Until today, I did not know the utilization of it. As per the chapter 3.3.2 of IS101 and also my classmate Shane, collations are used when we need specific number of copies of the individual pages. I think it is mostly used by teachers and legal offices. 

Hope this helps you guys. Let me know what print options do you use the most.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Desktop vs. Notebook vs. Mobile Phones

         Despite not being mobile, the desktop computer actually has several other advantages, such as being easier to repair and upgrade. One can perform as per their need, which is more potent than notebooks and mobile phones.

Laptops or notebooks are mobile and more expensive than desktop computers and mobile phones. They can have a similar robust operating system as a computer but are challenging to upgrade and repair.

Mobile phones are the handiest devices. It might not have powerful tools such as a computer or notebook, but they are cheap to purchase. Most mobiles have a screen touch, but many don't do well with battery after some years.

As an aspiring U.X. Designer, I must understand these devices' functions, strengths, and format. I may be asked to design apps just for a phone or to build a website that also is mobile-friendly.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

     One of the topics in the IS101 was a light introduction to artificial intelligence and robots. It defines A.I. as the areas of computer science where intelligent machines are focused. The overall aim is to develop a computer that is very intelligent, maybe more intelligent than humans. Some people aim to make robots to be problem-solving and create more A.I. by themselves. The term Technological Singularity is also defined right away. It is a theory that may be true or not, that in the future, A.I. will be so advanced that it will overrule humans. 

    This has been the greatest fear factor for humans in terms of making A.I. In my view, we need the support of technology to make the world a better place for all individuals. I hope to see a world where there are people not too stressed about their work, and we are focusing on exploring other planets and making our survival as a human race, and defending the planet from any other physical or other kinds of threats of the cosmos.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saved me from another e-commerce scam.

    Just 3 hours ago, I was almost gonna purchase clothes from an e-commerce website that had crazy sales going on. It offered me 20 items for just $79. I was like, this can't be true. But the designs were really stylish and cozy at the same time. I was dreaming of wearing it and thinking how good I would look. I am getting done with my sad girl era. Haha. Then I considered whether this was a fraudulent website. I also remembered a chapter in IS101 where it tells about the characters of a fake suspicious webpage. 

    What I did next saved my money or the hassle that I would go through if I had used my credit card. I searched in google with this keyword-"Is molilunnevis scam or genuine?"  There were about 7 websites that verified the authenticity of the website, and almost 6 out of 7 said it was a fake website. I held myself from paying for my order. 

    I understand that there are excellent websites and apps offering crazy discounted clothes, but molilunnevis didn't seem to be the one. I saved myself. 

    However, here is my e-commerce website. Please check it out.

    I still have a lot to do on this website.

Thank You!

Chandani Lama