Monday, February 13, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

     One of the topics in the IS101 was a light introduction to artificial intelligence and robots. It defines A.I. as the areas of computer science where intelligent machines are focused. The overall aim is to develop a computer that is very intelligent, maybe more intelligent than humans. Some people aim to make robots to be problem-solving and create more A.I. by themselves. The term Technological Singularity is also defined right away. It is a theory that may be true or not, that in the future, A.I. will be so advanced that it will overrule humans. 

    This has been the greatest fear factor for humans in terms of making A.I. In my view, we need the support of technology to make the world a better place for all individuals. I hope to see a world where there are people not too stressed about their work, and we are focusing on exploring other planets and making our survival as a human race, and defending the planet from any other physical or other kinds of threats of the cosmos.


  1. Artificial Intelligence is definitely a popular topic!

    One of your classmate used it for his 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources :-)

    Another classmate beaten you to the punch and used it for her Chapter 2 Computer Essentials topic.

    Glad to see you found a new and unique topic for Chapter 2 Computer Essentials for your next blog post ^_^

  2. Yes the threat that us human (in my opinion) is that we will be overrun by 'robots'. I mean Hollywood doesn't skim on movies exacerbating the facts. Scary thought indeed, having robots running around.

  3. The film I, Robot with Will Smith. I believe it can happen to some degree if we are not careful. We rely on artificial intelligence in all of it's forms, I think, a bit to heavily for convenience sake. The reality of this 2004 film could be a reality sooner than we think but maybe it is my conspiracy theorist in me talking🤷‍♀️.

  4. Artificial Intelligence will always be a weird concept to me. There are many advantages of it, but at the same time the cons have serious costs. I just hope it doesn't advance too quickly.

  5. Artificial intelligence is scary to think about sometimes, it's as if there really are slowly taking over our world not only for computer purposes but also for cleaning, changing temperatures at home, etc.

  6. Elon Musk is fear towards ChatGPT because he thinks that it will be harmful to human domination.

  7. The concept of Artificial Intelligence has always been a tendentious topic that I have refrained from pondering.While AI has the potential to bring many benefits and help create a better world for all individuals, it is important to consider the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with its development.

  8. As I mentioned in a comment on another blog, I think Tech Singularity is a significant ways away, just due to the amount of power required to run computations at that level. I'm certainly glad though!

  9. It's getting to the point where A.I. will become a symbiotic relationship with humanity. Morphing our definition of what humanity actually is.

  10. Regarding the singularity, it's important to distinguish between AGI and ASI. Artificial General Intelligence is AI that's broadly capable in basically every field, while Artificial Super Intelligence is the singularity that has the capability to perform the tasks that are impossible for the human mind to think or do., and it's hard to predict when AGI becomes adept enough at iterating on itself to become ASI. As for AGI, a year ago, the predictions ranged from 2030-2100. Now, 2030 is the outside range, and some are predicting it within 18 months.
